Phillip Newman

About Me
Getting Governmental: A Blog

Whether or not you are someone who likes to talk politics, we really encourage you to give this blog a chance. Yes, it is about politics, but we aim to write articles that are informational and educational. Some of the articles are more about government than politics, too. Although talking about politics can get tense at times, it is something that we should all do from time to time. After all, we have to vote in order to choose our government officials, and the better informed we are about various political issues, the better job we can do as voters.


5 Signs You Should Learn More About Campaign Finance Reform

14 March 2022
 Categories: Government & Politics, Blog

If you pay attention to politics, you've probably heard the buzzphrase "campaign finance reform". You may have a knee-jerk reaction for or against this concept depending on what side of the fence you are on. But if you don't know a lot about this issue, you may not be sure if you actually support it.  Here are five signs that you should care about campaign finance reform and consider making a donation. Read More …

Important House District Voting Tips Worth Remembering

27 January 2022
 Categories: Government & Politics, Blog

If you're looking to get more involved with your community and state, you might pay more attention to representatives voted into office. The house district in particular is something to really focus on. As long as you remember these voting tips, dealing with a house district election will go smoothly. Take Advantage of Sample Ballots Before you get ready to vote for a particular house district, you might want to take advantage of sample ballots. Read More …

Useful Advice For Those Voting For District Attorneys In Their State

13 October 2021
 Categories: Government & Politics, Blog

One of the higher-up positions that attorneys can get is a district attorney, which is a position that represents the state. Citizens have the right to vote for these legal professionals. If you're about to go through with this process, the following suggestions can make the right choice pretty clear. Give All Candidates a Chance Before the election gets underway for this important legal position, you really want to give all candidates a chance. Read More …

How You Can Work To Advocate For Animals

14 September 2021
 Categories: Government & Politics, Blog

Do you consider yourself an animal lover? If so, what are you doing to put that love into action? If you don't have an answer, then it's time to get to work. Animals do not have voices of their own, which is why they need compassionate, caring people like you to advocate for them. Fortunately, there are many ways to be the voice and support they need. If you're willing and ready to help, then consider these easy courses of action. Read More …

How to Have Documents Notarized

21 July 2021
 Categories: Government & Politics, Blog

Notarization is used as a fraud deterrent. It authenticates legal paperwork and requires that documents are signed in front of a witness. If you are going to be drawing up an agreement between yourself and another party, learn the process associated with getting the documents notarized. Types Of Documents That Are Notarized Vendor contracts, commercial leases, some loan agreements, wills, and custody agreements are some formal types of paperwork that often require the witnessing of a notary. Read More …